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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fashion Haul

Hello everyone,

I'm doing a haul on stuff that I bought in the last 2 weeks. I went Fall shopping as I like to call it, and I bought a few jumpers and pants and a new pair of shoes and some more things.. [:

So let's start!

2 Shirts

 I bought this grey shirt with some white accents, and I really wanted this one for a long time. And it was also on sale, so I just bought 2 [: It's a grey with white and a purple with white. It has a little pocket on the front and it's pretty thin. But  still comfy. They're from the H&M and they were €10.

Jumper with a floral blousse


This is a really cute jumper, it's light gray with a floral blousse at the bottom. It's pretty thick but the floral part is really thin. But it's a really nice fabric. On the front it's just like the first picture. But on the back it's like crossed with an opening, so you can see the floral print really good. It's from Bershka but I don't know if they have that store in other countries, it was €20.

Dark grey jumper

This is a dark grey jumper, it's a really thick fabric and feels really comfy. I love these kinds of jumpers in the fall and winter.. so I buy alot [: This is just a really casual jumper but still really nice. It's from H&M and it's €20.

White jumper

Heyy, another jumper ;P. This is a white one, with a thin fabric but really soft and just I love it so much. I know it's fall so you buy like alot of darker colours but I just really love white clothes [: It's again from the H&M and I think it was €20.

Legging pants

I was looking so long for these kinds of pants.. But I finally found one! It's a really comfy jegging as we call it in the Netherlands. It's really thick fabric and stretchy and soft. I'm just in love with these <3 It doesn't has pockets in the front but it has 2 pockets on the but [: It's dark grey and has some details on te sides. It's from the Sting, and again I don't know if they have this store anywhere else.. But it was €25.

Yellow jumper

Wow another jumper, so this is a beautiful yellow jumper. I think this is just the most beautiful fall colour. It's is really soft and it has a pretty thick fabric. It is from the H&M and I believe it was €15 but I'm not sure.


I really needed some new jewelry, so I saw this cross necklace at Bershka and it's just a nice little gold cross. Not to long, not to short. I think it was like €6 or more. And I wanted an earring like that but I don't know what it's called, sorry. It's just a chain hanging on the side of your ear. It's from the H&M and it was €5.



Soo last but not least, my new shoes! I'm just soooooo in love with these, they're really comfy and so cute. They look old and I just love that vintage look. They're like combat boots made of brown leather with a little heel. They also smell amazing and old [: They were €100 and they're from Invito. A shoe store with just amazing shoes!

So this was my first Haul! Please tell me if you liked it or if I need to change some things..
Thanks for reading, xoxo Lou!


  1. Hi Malou! (I'm also talking english ;)
    Lovely haul, it does look better when you're wearing it! Maybe you should do an OOTD !:)

    1. Hii, haha okay!

      Well thankyou [: Yeah I think I'm also gonna do every week a OOTW (Outfits Of The Week) maybe that's also a nice idea for you?

